ONR Program in Computational Naval Sciences

Welcome to the webpage of the ONR funded program on the development of computationally enabled future workforce. This program is led by Prashant Khare (PI, UC), Rajnikant Sharma (co-PI, UC) and Krishna Kaipa (co-PI, Old Dominion University). The overall goal of this program is to train the next generation STEM workforce to maintain US Navy’s technological superiority across all its missions. This will be accomplished by identifying STEM needs in the context of computation-based science and technology careers in the US Navy, and developing an exploratory self-sustaining computation-centric certificate program at two universities, University of Cincinnati and Old Dominion University. Specifically, we will address the ever-increasing demand of computational science enabled workforce in autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, and fluid & combustion sciences.

Contact Information
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Phone: (513)-556-5248
Email:   Prashant[dot]Khare[at]uc[dot]edu Email